CSS Framing, Choose Wisely.

CSS by Kittens: Get it now!Since we are on the topic of CSS, I thought I would include some more shameless plugs to CSS frameworks I thought were eye catching, innovative, and developer friendly. Here is a list and links to their respective sites in no specific order.

  1. Bootstrap – Our default of course
  2. Foundation – The other side of the shared lawn with your neighbor
  3. Ink – Our portuguese cousin, sexy as all hell though
  4. Gumby – Well groomed friend
  5. Compass – Weird cousin who doesn’t cut their hair
  6. Kube – Eccentric friend

For a more expansive list , see what Wikipedia has to offer as a current list of accepted frameworks – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS_frameworks

I want to also put a mention for a very simple and clean framework – Toast. Because its just that simple. Very clean , easy to use base. No extra.

Hope this provides some insight on what type of framework best suites your style of development, design and of course over all process. I personal have tried 3 of these, and currently a user of Bootstrap in many of my quick apps and sites.

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